更新:2025-01-26 09:01 编号:22182558 发布IP: 浏览:3次- 发布企业
- 华众致和(北京)文化发展有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第2年主体名称:华众致和(北京)文化发展有限公司组织机构代码:91110112MABMJJNB9Y
- 报价
- 人民币¥4.50元每平方米
- 关键词
- 西店记忆文创小镇,西店记忆文创小镇物业直租,西店记忆文创小镇甲方直租
- 所在地
- 北京市通州区水仙西路99号2层01-22531
- 联系电话
- 010-53672111
- 服务热线
- 18301318706
- 客服
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Xidian Memory Cultural and Creative Town is 2000 meters awayfrom Baiziwan Station of Metro Line 7, 1500 meters away from Sihuistation of Metro Batong Line, and there are 11, 23, 35, 138, 312,439, 455, 513, 669, 810 express trains, 3 high-speed railway lines,122 fast direct lines, 123 fast direct lines, 133 fast directlines, 149 fast direct lines, 174 fast direct lines, 184 fastdirect lines Multiple bus routes, such as the express express line192, the express line 85, and the night line 29, converge here,shuttling between different parts of the city, making commutingconvenient.
西店记忆文创小镇位于朝阳区高碑店方家村甲18号,总建筑面积17万平方米,通过老旧厂房升级改造而成。西店记忆同样有着798艺术区的影子,其地处朝阳区传媒产业带核心位置,距离东四环和京通快速路不远,百子湾广渠路沿线有多个中小型的产业园区,大多是由工厂库房改造而成的。西店记忆是周边比较成规模的一个园区,有铁路从中穿过,占地面积很大,甚至周边的道路都被命名为西店记忆路。西店记忆的所在地是曾经设有平津闸码头的高碑店村,十几年前被不断扩张的都市所蚕食,早已成为农村无农业,农民无耕地,农转居无工作的“三无”村,近些年成功转型,打造出远近闻名的中式古典家具一条街。这一段的通惠河两岸,清一色排列着三四层的仿古商业建筑,呈现出一种在历史风貌保护区里颇为常见的中国城市景观。西店记忆分为一、二两期,但相隔很近,整体面积适中,非常适合闺蜜逛街、情侣约会。有不少艺人工作室和设计师品牌已经入驻,各种网红小店也是越来越多,慢节奏的边逛边拍大概就是这里正确的打开方式了。位于REASTHETE服装店门口的红绿灯,粉色的灯杆真的是少女心爆棚,街拍风瞬间get。中午12点之后才会亮灯,不亮灯时有点单调,建议下午时段前往哟!街道两旁是造型现代的仿古建筑,每隔几米的路灯立柱上都悬挂着设计时尚的白色广告牌“梵石iTOWN·西店记忆”。四周被火车道环绕,每隔大约半小时,就会有一列火车经过。走进这些店内,有很多沉浸式艺术空间,各具特色,每个主题前都有模特拍摄样片可参考,地上也标有“这里是zui佳拍摄点”的标志,不同风格的拍照打卡位,如同一座艺术宝藏,时时为观展者带来惊喜。在格乐利雅的粉红城堡前,如同一座异域风情的梦幻庭院,就像是来自童话中的场景。建议大家前往朝阳区高碑店西店记忆二期,前往格乐利雅国际艺术中心,里面拍照都是免费的,场景众多,非常出片,有很多来此拍摄婚纱照的情侣,艺术气息浓厚。也可在艺术区街道闲逛,很多店铺门口都有一些创意的艺术元素,可随意拍照,也有一些网红店可以打卡。XidianMemory Cultural and Creative Town is located at 8 Fangjia Village,Gaobeidian, Chaoyang District, with a total construction area of170000 square meters. It has been upgraded and transformed from anold factory building. Xidian Memory also has the shadow of 798 ArtZone. It is located at the core of the media industry belt inChaoyang District, not far from the East Fourth Ring Road andBeijing–Tongzhou Expressway. There are many small and medium-sizedindustrial parks along the Guangqu Road in Baiziwan, most of whichare transformed from factory warehouses. Xidian Memory is arelatively large-scale park in the surrounding area, with railwayspassing through it, covering a large area, and even the surroundingroads are named Xidian Memory Road. The memory of Xidian is locatedin Gaobeidian Village, which used to have Pingjin Zha Wharf. Morethan a decade ago, it was encroached upon by the constantlyexpanding city and has become a "three no" village with noagriculture, no arable land for farmers, and no job for farmers.However, in recent years, it has successfully transformed andcreated a well-known street of Chinese classical furniture. On bothsides of the Tonghui River in this section, there are three or fourstories of antique commercial buildings arranged in a uniformmanner, presenting a common Chinese urban landscape in historicalstyle protection areas. Xidian Memory is divided into two phases,one and two, but they are very close together and the overall areais moderate, making it very suitable for girlfriends shopping andcouples dating. Many artist studios and designer brands havealready settled in, and there are more and more popular onlinestores. The slow paced shopping and filming is probably the correctway to open them here. At the traffic light at the door of theClothes shop of REASTHETE, the pink lamppost is really a girl'sheart exploding, and the street can get wind instantly. The lightsonly light up after 12 noon, and it's a bit monotonous when notlit, so it's recommended to go there in the afternoon! On bothsides of the street are modern and antique buildings, withfashionable white billboards hanging every few meters on the streetlamp pillars, titled "Vatican iTOWN · Xidian Memory". Surrounded bytrain tracks, a train passes by every half hour or so. Enteringthese stores, there are many immersive art spaces with uniquefeatures. Each theme has a model shooting sample for reference, andthe ground is also marked with the sign "Here is the best shootingpoint for Zui". Different styles of photography slots are like anart treasure, constantly surprising visitors. In front of Gloria'spink castle, it is like an exotic and dreamy courtyard, like ascene from a fairy tale. I suggest everyone go to the Memory PhaseII of Gaobeidian West Store in Chaoyang District, and go to theGeleya International Art Center. Photos are free and there are manyscenes, which are very popular. There are many couples who comehere to take wedding photos, with a strong artistic atmosphere. Youcan also stroll around the streets of the art district. Many storeshave some creative Elements of art at the door, and you can takephotos at will. There are also some online celebrity stores thatcan punch cards.
西店记忆文创小镇位于北京市朝阳区方家村甲18号,在东四环和东五环之间,几条铁轨交错分布,一个以火车站为主题的产业小镇—这就是梵石iTown·西店记忆文创小镇。西店记忆文创小镇(西店记忆位于朝阳区高碑店乡西店村,这也是小镇名字的由来。这里原本是一处被遗忘的旧厂房,几根交错的铁轨将这片地方割裂开来。2016年才开始建设的园区,目前成功吸引了100多家企业入驻,其中有近90家是文创企业,占到园区企业的80%以上。西店记忆目前给企业提供一些****,西店记忆凭借独具特色的设计和周到的运营服务,在众多园区中脱颖而出。相比于产业园区,这里更是一个轻而自在的小镇,独具韵律的建筑和带有温度的运营理念都让我们印象深刻。西店记忆文创小镇位于国家文化产业创新实验区,入住园区的文创类企业将会享受到政府的相关补贴政策这里是文创、传媒、互联网、科技、影视、艺术类的企业“”园区内可为您定制专属企业院落。XidianMemory Cultural and Creative Town is located at 8 Fangjia VillageA, Chaoyang District, Beijing. It is located between the EastFourth and East Fifth Ring Roads, with several railway tracksinterlaced and distributed. It is an industrial town with a railwaystation as its theme - this is Fanshi iTown · Xidian MemoryCultural and Creative Town. Xidian Memory Cultural and CreativeTown Xidian Memory is located in Xidian Village, GaobeidianTownship, Chaoyang District, which is also the origin of the town'sname. This was originally a forgotten old factory building,separated by several intersecting railway tracks. The park, whichstarted construction in 2016, has successfully attracted more than100 enterprises to settle in, of which nearly 90 are cultural andcreative enterprises, accounting for more than 80% of the park'senterprises. Xidian Memory currently provides some * * * * forenterprises, and Xidian Memory relies on its unique featuresFeatured design and thoughtful operational services stand out amongnumerous parks. Compared to the industrial park, this is a lightand comfortable town, with unique rhythmic buildings and a warmoperating philosophy that left a deep impression on us. XidianMemory Cultural and Creative Town is located in the NationalCultural Industry Innovation Experimental Zone. Cultural andcreative enterprises residing in the park will enjoy relevantgovernment subsidy policies. Here are cultural and creative, media,internet, technology, film and television, and art enterprises. Thepark can customize exclusive enterprise courtyards for you.
西店记忆是集文化创意、文化传媒、互联网技术、高新科技、影视剧、艺术等公司的一个大型产业园区,西店记忆可以为企业定制专享的风格,也可根据自己的喜好打造出有个性、私密性的办公空间。项目入驻企业多为影视传媒公司、电影导演、艺人工作室,有利于同类入驻公司的发展与成长。项目位于国家文化产业创新实验区,入住园区的文创类企业将会享受到政府的相关补贴政策。这里是文创、传媒、互联网、科技、影视、艺术类的企业的优选。XidianMemory is a large-scale industrial park that integrates culturalcreativity, cultural media, internet technology, high-tech, filmand television, art, and other companies. Xidian Memory cancustomize exclusive styles for enterprises and create personalizedand private office spaces according to one's preferences. Most ofthe companies that have settled in the project are film andtelevision media companies, film directors, and artist studios,which is conducive to the development and growth of similarcompanies that have settled in. The project is located in theNational Cultural Industry Innovation Experimental Zone, andcultural and creative enterprises residing in the park will enjoyrelevant government subsidy policies. This is the preferred choicefor enterprises in cultural and creative industries, media,internet, technology, film and television, and art.
西店记忆|funstown是由梵天集团主导的具有独特改造设计理念和全新运营模式的文创小镇。地理位置优越,位于东四环、东五环、京通快速与广渠路四条主干道形成的路网正中心。是高碑店乡的工业资产,前身是老旧厂房聚落,京玻集团仓库和北汽的仓库,都曾在这里过,2016年,秉承“新生于旧”的城市更新理念,当地政府委托梵天集团进行整体的改造运营,于2017年5月正式投入使用。目前入驻企业100余家,其中文创产业相关企业占75%以上。XidianMemory | Funtown is a cultural and creative town led by VaticanGroup with unique renovation design concepts and a new operatingmodel. The geographical location is superior, located at the centerof the road network formed by the four main roads of East FourthRing Road, East Fifth Ring Road, Jingtong Expressway, and GuangquRoad. It is an industrial asset in Gaobeidian Township, formerlyknown as an old factory settlement. The warehouses of Jingbo Groupand BAIC Motor Corporation have both been glorious here. In 2016,adhering to the urban renewal concept of "new life in the old", thelocal government commissioned the Vatian Group to carry out overallrenovation and operation, and it was officially put into use in May2017. At present, there are over 100 settled enterprises, of whichover 75% are related to the cultural and creative industries.
西店记忆秉持着资源互融,文化共生的主张,要把这里打造成“创意办公+体验式商业+黑糖盒子艺术中心+知小精品绘本书店+活化共享空间”为五大主要业态,“观影、戏剧、展览、文化沙龙、潮流文化”为五大文化焦点IP,运营有趣有温度,邻里资源共享,发展互助的全生态文创小镇。Adheringto the idea of mutual integration of resources and culturalsymbiosis, Xidian Memory aims to build this place into five majorbusiness types, namely, "creative office+experientialbusiness+brown sugar box art center+Zhixiao boutique picture bookbookstore+activating Shared space", and "watching movies, drama,exhibition, cultural salon, and fashion culture", which are thefive cultural focus IPs. It is an ecological cultural and creativetown with interesting and warm operation, shared neighborhoodresources, and mutual development.
曾经西店记忆文创小镇还是北京玻璃厂的库房,建筑斑驳,每隔半小时,就会有一列火车轰隆隆驶过,这里仿佛是被遗忘的角落。园区在着手规划设计时发现,铁轨原本是该地区的劣势,但其浓厚的历史感可以打造成地区的特色。建筑斑驳,每隔半小时,就会有一列火车轰隆隆驶过,这里仿佛是被遗忘的角落。园区在着手规划设计时发现,铁轨原本是该地区的劣势,但其浓厚的历史感可以打造成地区的特色。Once,Xidian Memory Cultural and Creative Town was still the warehouse ofBeijing Glass Factory, with mottled buildings. Every half hour, atrain roars past, making it seem like a forgotten corner. Whenplanning and designing the park, it was discovered that the railwaytrack was originally a disadvantage of the area, but its strongsense of history can be transformed into a distinctive feature ofthe area. The buildings are mottled, and every half an hour, atrain rumbles past, making it seem like a forgotten corner. Whenplanning and designing the park, it was discovered that the railwaytrack was originally a disadvantage of the area, but its strongsense of history can be transformed into a distinctive feature ofthe area.
西店记忆文创小镇园区内将率先呈现“自貌区”地块,开放的原始建筑形态让企业发挥无限的想象,打造出独具匠心的专属办公空间和环境。只要是您想到的创意、概念、设计理念,在这里都可以实现,项目概况:占地面积240亩,地处东四环至东五环之间的CBD核心区域首座“文创小镇”。从京通快速的四惠东、高碑店、百子湾家园小区以及广渠路均可快速进入园区。.项目特色:此项目位于国家文化产业创新实验区,入住园区的文创类企业将会享受到政府的相关补贴政策。这里是文创、传媒、互联网、科技、影视、艺术类的企业。园区内可为您定制专属企业院落;自貌区可根据企业要求打造出的企业独栋;文创类孵化器、国际创客营地为您实现创业梦想。这里还有完备的生活配套:户外运动区让您在工作之余做一个运动达人,主题酒店、智能公寓让加班和早晚高峰变得不再可怕,大型影院让您能在时间看到首映大片,特色美食让您每天都能享受不一样的饕餮盛宴。楼盘参数总层数:3层建筑面积:170000㎡得房率:80%绿化率:35米标准层高:3.5米开发商:北京梵瑞资产管理有限公司物业公司:北京安信行物业管理有限公司TheXidian Memory Cultural and Creative Town Park will take the lead inpresenting a "self appearance area" plot. The open and originalarchitectural form allows enterprises to unleash unlimitedimagination, creating a unique and exclusive office space andenvironment. Any creativity, concept, or design concept you come upwith can be realized here. Project overview: Covering an area of240 acres, it is the first "cultural and creative town" in the CBDcore area between the East Fourth Ring Road and the East Fifth RingRoad. You can quickly enter the park from Jingtong's fastSihuidong, Gaobeidian, Baiziwan Jiayuan Community, and Guangqu RoadProject features: This project is located in the National CulturalIndustry Innovation Experimental Zone, and cultural and creativeenterprises residing in the park will enjoy relevant governmentsubsidy policies. This is a cultural and creative, media, internet,technology, film and television, and art enterprise. Within thepark, you can customize exclusive enterprise courtyards; The selfappearance area can create a standalone enterprise buildingaccording to the requirements of the enterprise; Cultural andcreative incubators and international maker camps help you achieveyour entrepreneurial dreams. There are also complete livingfacilities here: the outdoor sports area allows you to become asports expert in your spare time. Theme hotels and smart apartmentsmake overtime and morning and evening rush hours no longer scary.Large cinemas allow you to see the premiere of blockbusters intime, and specialty cuisine allows you to enjoy a unique feastevery day. Property parameters Total number of floors: 3 floorsBuilding area: 170000 square meters Property acquisition rate: 80%Greening rate: 35 meters Standard floor height: 3.5 metersDeveloper: Beijing Fanrui Asset Management Co., Ltd. Propertycompany: Beijing Anxinxing Property Management Co., Ltd
1. 文创产业:文创产业是指将文化创意和创新型产业相结合,通过以文化为核心要素的产品和服务创造经济价值。
2. 租赁价格计算:租赁价格通常按照每平方米的价格乘以租赁面积来计算。在本文中,租赁价格为4.50元/平方米。
3. 创意人才:创意人才是指在艺术、设计、文化创意等领域具有创新思维和创造力的人才。
1. 西店记忆文创小镇的特色有哪些?
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成立日期 | 1999年09月27日 | ||
法定代表人 | 张永涛 | ||
注册资本 | 50 | ||
主营产品 | 产业园租赁中心-物业直租-无中介费! | ||
经营范围 | 房地产经纪;房地产咨询;市场营销策划;非居住房地产租赁;物业管理;企业管理咨询;企业管理;技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;办公用品销售;日用百货销售; | ||
公司简介 | 华众致和(北京)文化发展有限公司成立于2022年05月09日,注册地位于北京市通州区水仙西路99号2层01-22531,法定代表人为张永涛。经营范围包括一般项目:组织文化艺术交流活动;文化娱乐经纪人服务;会议及展览服务;体育中介代理服务;园区管理服务;互联网销售(除销售需要许可的商品);社会经济咨询服务;广告制作;广告发布;广告设计、代理;房地产经纪;房地产咨询;市场营销策划;非居住房地产租赁;物 ... |
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- 西店记忆文创小镇(高碑店方家村甲18号)-租赁主页5.00元/平方米
- 西店记忆文创小镇(方家村甲18号)独栋招租4.50元/平方米
- 东亿国际传媒产业园-租赁中心5.00元/平方米
- 电子城新媒体创新产业园-欢迎您3.50元/平方米
- E50艺术区(双桥中路50号院)招商中心欢迎您!4.00元/平方米
- 丰硕创新产业园-不限业态-可定制装修!1.60元/平方米
- 南洋文创园-独栋招租3.00元/平方米
- 慧派写字楼办公室出租3.00元/平方米
- 北化易心堂文创园(原北京化工八厂)物业招商部-欢迎您!2.50元/平方米
- 乐地科技融合园(物业招商部)欢迎您!4.50元/平方米